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Why Outsourcing Makes Sense: Especially in Today’s “New Norm”

outsourcing makes sense if you need to free up time and other resources

The way the world of business works has witnessed drastic changes. There used to be a time when the trend for companies was to hire additional staff to meet new demands. The advent of globalization and revolutionary changes in computer and internet technology has brought along a lot of challenges. Hence, the need to outsource became imperative for a lot of business firms. Since it had become the norm, outsourcing makes sense for those who want to remain competitive.

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic wreaked havoc on the global economy. Many businesses are frantically looking for solutions to problems brought about by this unprecedented event. This is true even for long-established ones. Good thing though for those who have experience with or are currently into outsourcing. They have equipped themselves with an effective tool in managing such situations.

Outsourcing defined

So, what is outsourcing? Outsourcing refers to the practice of having certain job functions done outside a company. Instead of having someone from inside your firm to handle them, you utilize external help. Does this sound familiar? Yes, outsourcing is not a new concept. People from the distant past were already doing it in one way or another. For example, a paint company can outsource the production of paint cans.

Change, the major reason behind outsourcing

It all starts with a question as old Bill had pointed out in Hamlet.

“To be, or not to be, that is the question”.

One critical question a lot of companies need to address is whether to or to outsource or not. Each day, the business world is becoming exceedingly competitive. This being so, companies need to constantly think of ways to get ahead of the competition. It’s a question of adapting, which is synonymous with surviving. Failing to do so, could result in stagnation in some areas or worse, extinction.

“When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.”

benjamin franklin

If you are in doubt as to whether outsourcing is for you, consider the following:

Reasons why outsourcing makes sense

Outsourcing helps to reduce costs

One thing that remains constant in this world is change. New applications or versions of these are being developed each day. Business firms need to consider the amount of time and money that they need to invest in training staff. Additionally, they should carefully consider the acquisition of new technology needed before making any decision. If the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, outsourcing would be the logical choice.

It gives you the advantage of getting experts to manage your work

Outsourcing firms have invested in the training of their staff so as to ensure the best quality of work. In addition, they have the experience required to deal with the tasks at hand. Just imagine if you were to hire new staff who lack the skill to resolve a technical issue. It would be a scenario of the blind leading the blind.

By delegating tasks, you get to meet deadlines

“Time is gold” is an age-old proverb that has never outgrown its relevance. Time utility is always a major consideration especially in this fast-paced world we live in. You create this by making available a product at a certain point in time when it is needed most. When you are outsourcing a business function, you can set the timeframe when tasks should be completed. That way, you have more control over time.

Outsourcing frees up resources

Outsourcing gives you the advantage of freeing up internal resources. As an example, buying new equipment which cannot be used in the future is counterproductive. You can make better use of your resources by investing it in more productive ventures. It allows companies to focus on core processes

By outsourcing, you are freeing up time that you could use on more productive work. For instance, you will be able to focus on leading the company. Your staff would also be able to concentrate on their main roles. They should not be occupied with mundane tasks such as answering tweets from customers. Moreover, being able to focus on their core tasks would help facilitate employee growth. Through this, they would be able to provide more effective service.

You get access to tools and technology related to your business

Yes, you can purchase new programs and applications or even equipment on your own. Considering the impact on internal resources though, you might want to reconsider. Another benefit of outsourcing is that it creates an opportunity for you to come across something that will be useful. It could be a software they’re using that can aid you in another project. Remember, the discovery of Penicillin was an accident. However, the impact it had on the medical and health world was very enormous.

Outsourcing helps build your connections

In today’s world, one’s network of friends or associates could be a huge advantage. Businesswise, it allows you to build connections with people whose services you might need in the future. It could be the other way around as well. Firms you have outsourced to might be the ones to require your services in the future. Or possibly, you even partner on a joint venture. In this manner, outsourcing makes sense as connections are your key to growing your business.

Closing words

In today’s “new norm”, outsourcing has become a must for business owners. As the competition increases, the idea of outsourcing maybe your best option. This is especially true when you are trying to save up on resources. It can include overhead, limited time, or the need for quality work. The current situation brought about by the COVID 19 pandemic, vividly illustrates why outsourcing makes sense today. Getting outside help can amplify your chances of adapting to changes. This way you can still continue operations, deliver to your clientele quality goods and services within the agreed time frame.

Want to know more about how we can help you? Get in touch and discover how other business owners and companies benefit by partnering with us.

1 thought on “Why Outsourcing Makes Sense: Especially in Today’s “New Norm””

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