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Outsourcing Risks Part 2: How to Mitigate

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Outsourcing Risks Part 2- How to Mitigate

Outsourcing can present drawbacks in business operations, making service provider management more complex than internal personnel. To mitigate potential outsourcing risks, consider solutions that address these challenges and enhance your overall strategy. Here’s a rundown of potential risks and effective solutions to ease your concerns.

Risk 2: Expertise in Domains

Another important factor to consider when evaluating an outsourcing IT firm is its domain knowledge or the field of professional skills and development. Companies usually give certification information, and many of them are certified to high-quality standards. Your vendor team’s backgrounds (such as experience and degrees) are equally crucial.


Find out what technologies the chosen vendor is adept in, look at the projects it has completed, and measure and qualify its achievements.

Risk 3: Lack of Experience with remote teams

Clients frequently state that they are not ready to outsource or hire remote teams, or that all employees must be situated locally. This is most likely to occur if the company’s founders have no prior experience with outsourcing and remote IT management. If you hire an inexperienced service provider, the scenario could become disastrous. To mitigate potential outsourcing risks, it’s crucial to ensure that vendors aren’t getting their first experience with remote labor while working with you.


Choose a company that has a well-established model for integrating remote teams. Using this technique, a vendor may demonstrate that they have the necessary experience and skills for successful cooperation.

Furthermore, your prospective partner should be prepared to provide training and guidance on all elements of remote work.

Risk 4: Transfer of Knowledge

Knowledge transfer is one of the most important variables impacting the effectiveness of an IT outsourcing relationship.

There are two types of knowledge transfer in the most basic form of outsourcing. The first is from a client who requests that the outsourcer produce something. And it is critical to supply all relevant data, information, and knowledge to ensure that the outsource firm can deliver what you require. The second is that the consumer does not “own” the “know-how” and proficiency in the generated product. Although the code is “owned,” the know-how and experience are not.

As a result, a successful outsourcing project is a two-way street that necessitates a continuous flow of information in both ways.


When it comes to technology, seek outsourcers who have advanced beyond manual data entry and use cutting-edge software to record business operations. This guarantees that information is conveyed accurately, swiftly, and efficiently.

It’s also crucial to choose outsourcers who are constantly on the lookout for new knowledge transfer methods. Adopting a sound technology policy will pay off handsomely for the organization and assist in attaining cost targets.

Finally, as part of the knowledge transfer process, search for an outsourcer who can establish an innovation roadmap. This indicates the provider’s capacity and breadth of knowledge in a given subject optimize and run your operations, with immediate and long-term benefits.

Risk 5: Intellectual property and Confidentiality

You delegate a portion of your IT infrastructure to another organization when you outsource.

You are entrusting the outsourcer with sensitive information including business processes, employee information, and other vital information. As a result, it’s understandable if you’re concerned about how the outsourcing provider manages your resources’ security.


Selecting an IT firm that adheres to international security standards might alleviate your security concerns. Use (C.A.N) to assist you to identify a reputable outsource firm.

  • Check to see if the corporation is willing to sign a non-disclosure agreement (Non-Disclosure Agreement),
  • Ask about the company’s previous expertise with sensitive data,
  • and if they’ve worked on many projects in industries that are similar to yours.

Risk 6: Uncertain and Hidden Costs

Consider what happens if you outsource IT to save money, yet the vendor adds extra costs for adjustments, modifications, and adaptations within the service time. Your overall outsourcing costs will undoubtedly rise as a result of this. Hidden expenses in outsourcing have been found to add an average of 25% to the cost of an engagement.


Determine your present IT requirements, as well as future requirements if you want to scale up or down. This will assist you in negotiating a fair price with the service supplier.

  • IT outsourcing is worthwhile if you do a thorough risk assessment at the outset, followed by close monitoring throughout and after deployment.
  • Make sure the contract details all potential additional costs, such as software and hardware purchases for your staff, overtime, and after-hours communication.
  • If you don’t have the skills in-house and require contract counsel, hire a third-party law company.

Risk 7: The Services’ Quality

The expectation of receiving better service from the outsourcer than from internal staff is one of the main reasons to outsource. Stick to the following if you don’t want to be disappointed with your dedicated team’s abilities.


  • Choose an outsourced team based on their ability to apply relevant tools and frameworks to speed development and boost work efficiency and productivity, not only their technical talents.
  • Determine what mockup tools, delivery process/methodology, tracking systems, and quality software metrics the vendor uses to create software, and talk to them about your expectations.
  • Consult with previous or present clients. Previous clients are particularly valuable because they have nothing to lose by expressing the truth. Find out what it’s like to work with the supplier, what challenges you could face, and what you can expect from the end output.

Risk 8: Losing Control Over the Process

When you hire an outsourcing business to develop software for you, you often relinquish control of the development process and hence insight into it. If the task you’re outsourcing isn’t fundamental to your firm, this might not be a huge concern. Otherwise, you may lose time and money as a result of your lack of control.


Begin by enhancing your communication and discussing all aspects of your partnership. Then, confirm that your vendor employs unique requirement-tracking software that allows you to make adjustments and add additional points even while the project is ongoing. Finally, depending on the complexity of your project, arrange regular reporting, such as daily or weekly. Choose the Dedicated Development Team outsourcing option for long-term projects if you want to “feel the pulse” of your distant team as if it were in the next room — you’ll be able to monitor and control every individual directly.

Risk 9: The Service Provider’s Viability

One of the biggest concerns for a customer of an outsourcing firm is the fear that the provider might fail, leaving them without access to critical services and systems. To mitigate potential outsourcing risks, it’s essential to have contingency plans in place to address this possibility.


Customers must follow a clear and systematic approach to limit the risk of being susceptible to such a failure or to reduce the effect if one does occur. Before engaging in a service-provider agreement, the prospective buyer of the services should do a thorough due diligence investigation.

Furthermore, the agreement between the customer and the outsourcer should foresee the service provider’s likely failure and provide provisions for it. These provisions should contain a set of contingency plans that allow the customer organization to use alternative facilities and resources or to assume control of the outsourcer’s resources that have been applied to the customer’s specific service. To ensure that the operational contingency plans operate, they must be exercised and rehearsed regularly.

When a failure occurs, a prepared response plan should be implemented to safeguard the outsourcer’s customers from the negative consequences of the failure, which could damage future vendor negotiations.

Risk 10: The difference in time zones

A time zone difference can be an issue when working with an outsourcer if it is not managed properly. If the time difference is only a few hours, it isn’t a problem. However, if the difference exceeds 6-7 hours, which is equivalent to a full workday, it can disrupt collaboration. To mitigate potential outsourcing risks, it’s important to manage time zone differences effectively.


The time zone barrier may be overcome by empowering individuals to interact, connect, and collaborate through processes and technologies. It’s also critical to provide the team with a shared workspace where they can share, find, and collaborate on the information they need to complete their tasks.

The time zone difference also allows for a “follow the sun” working approach, in which the offshore team takes on work late at night for the customer and delivers the results early the next day.

To sum up

Fortunately, the above-mentioned outsourcing concerns can be readily avoided if team selection and development outsourcing are meticulously managed.

Although preparations can be tiresome at times, the result should meet or exceed your expectations, especially if you choose to delegate work to agile teams. With the correct plan in place, you’ll be able to address even the most serious software development risks, ensuring that your customer-vendor interactions are fruitful and your outsourcing experience is profitable.

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