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It’s All About Customers: How this Pandemic will Improve Customer Service

pandemic customer service

COVID-19 has brought to light the growing need for better customer service. Businesses are shutting down all around. How do you respond if you aim to thrive under such circumstances? The key is by developing excellent pandemic customer service.

Adaptability is the key to prevail during trying times.  A business entity must be quick to recognize changes. At the same time, it should be swift to act. This would ensure overall preparedness. Companies that can capitalize on these abilities would emerge as winners at the end of the day.

What should pandemic customer service be like?

We all know that each contact made with a customer is an opportunity to build or improve a relationship. Customer needs will never go away, they’ll continue buying. Nonetheless, whether they will buy from you or from someone else is another matter. Their decision can be determined largely by the quality of customer service you can provide. When people are subject to worry, what will be their primary considerations in choosing a provider? Normally, they will look for someone who can provide ease and, convenience. Add a slice of concern and a dash of care and you have the perfect formula for excellent customer service.

We don’t have to look far to notice the impact of the current pandemic on customer service. By and large, it has led to increased customer anxiety. Nevertheless, some changes are already taking place. They are a response to pressing needs brought about by the situation.

Consider the following ways business entities have undertaken to improve customer service:

1. The use of technology to facilitate transactions

Technology is there for a purpose, to help improve human lives. Many companies are utilizing software and applications for daily transactions. These can prove invaluable in certain situations. For example, you can use software to process refunds. This will enable you to handle a large number of transactions over a short period of time. Apart from this, you can also make use of automation. For instance, the use of robots for transporting supplies can help minimize human intervention. This is a very practical method until the pandemic is over.

2. Providing self-service options

Self-service options enable customers to seek answers at their own time.   An example would be additional options for pairing their remote control with a new TV. It would be great if they can do it by using the information found on your website. This way, they can avoid a long wait time over the phone. At the same time, they will get their issues solved promptly. Aside from this, they will become better-educated users.

3. The drive towards transparency

Transparency helps build trust and understanding. It eliminates doubt and suspicion that can lead to deterioration of relations.  If you want to build lasting relationships, transparency is your best friend. With all the social media platforms and online ranking sites available, it would make sense to do so.

4. Adopting a proactive approach

A proactive approach is a proper method for minimizing efforts. This holds true for both customers and company staff. Therefore, take an active role in preempting future challenges. Then, look for solutions in advance. For instance, you can send text messages informing customers of changes in your schedule. Imagine a customer who had traveled for miles, only to find out that your store is closed on Fridays. Giving people a heads-up will help them avoid wasting precious time. This way, you can avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

5. The increasing call for creating better human connections

If there is one area in our lives that needs constant nurturing, it is the realm of human connections. As we have become more digital, we have developed various means of communicating. However, having those means does not mean we’re using them effectively. Look for ways to harness these available channels. A reply to a comment on your blog could mean a lot. Aside from this, understand that your customers are not a homogenous bunch. Mr. Jones is a price-conscious person while Mrs. Wayne values product reviews. Would you be handling them in the same way?

6. Businesses are continuing to look for ways to meet customer needs

Desperate times call for desperate measures. With the present situation we have, firms must take a look into the possibility of tapping into external solutions. It includes getting the services of independent contractors or freelancers. For some, virtual assistant services have proved very fruitful. This way, they are assured of support by experts round the clock.

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

– Maya Angelou


Customer service will see vast improvements because of COVID 19. Similar experiences in the past have taught firms that the quality of service could make or break things for them. This paved the way for the creation of the customer-centric approach in business.

Business firms need to realize that customer service is the key to getting the best out of any given situation. Difficult times provide opportunities for growth and improvement. Hence, the approach you take will largely determine your future. Additionally, taking a proactive approach is very important. Businesses that are adaptable will come out stronger. Furthermore, they will become more confident in dealing with future challenges.

So, how are you responding to the current situation at hand? Will you take active steps or rather wait for things to settle down? 

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