What keeps you from hiring virtual assistants? For a great number of business outfits, outsourcing has become the new norm. Specifically, a good number of them now use virtual assistant support. The reason for this is that Virtual assistants (VAs) can help with a variety of tasks. In this article, we’ll discuss 5 major reasons that are holding back many outfits from taking advantage of virtual assistant services. Furthermore, we’ll talk about the benefits of having one.
Major reasons why you’re not hiring virtual assistants
#5 You don’t know what you want or where to begin
Do not let uncertainty paralyze you into inaction. It will cost you precious time and money among other things. The reason why many of us could not go about doing anything is that we’re unsure of where to start. A proven way to deal with this is by taking action. By doing so, you’re a step nearer the solution. To illustrate, you can ask family, friends, and business acquaintances how they’re dealing with the situation. In addition, you can contact a virtual assistance company to check their offerings. This way, you’ll see if you can find a fit. Epictetus aptly summed it up in his famous quote. “Make the best use of what is in your power and take the rest as it happens”.
“Make the best use of what is in your power and take the rest as it happens.”
#4 You don’t know whom to trust
Trusting somebody is the only way to go to live a perfectly normal life. Hence, start by accepting the fact that you cannot control every aspect of your life. Remember what Ernest Hemingway had said. “The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them”. Just think of how you trust online banking and eCommerce in general. You don’t see them eye to eye. Even so, you continue to rely on them.
Virtual assistants put a prime value on your privacy and security. Trust is the basic foundation on which virtual assistance is hinged. Without it, this line of work would not have grown into what it is right now.
#3 You can’t let go of control
Some people are control freaks and could not easily let go of their hold over things. It may be difficult to imagine losing control over someone or something you care about. However, not doing so could become counterproductive in the long run. Why do a lot of people love control? For many, it has become a defense mechanism against fear. Oftentimes, this tendency becomes disruptive towards work and relationships. Start by taking baby steps and delegate certain things. This way, you still have control over important matters. At the same time, you’ll be able to focus on things that need immediate attention.
#2 You’re a dinosaur
Change can be uncomfortable or even painful. When you’re used to certain ways of doing things, even the just thought of it can be discomforting. However, we live in a world where unexpected and disorienting change has become the norm. It’s good if you have somebody you can rely on during those times. In this regard, hiring virtual assistants for support is indispensable. Moreover, they would be useful in dealing with new developments such as that decisive pivot you may have to take.
#1 You can’t afford one
Long before COVID19, Timothy Ferriss had already outlined the value of outsourcing to save precious time and money. By delegating certain tasks, he was able to save time and earn more money. This was the major topic in his bestseller “The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich”. Just think of the time you can save as something you can invest in quality time with family or friends. In addition, you can even start a new project or give more focus to an existing one. Furthermore, hiring a VA, means you don’t have to worry about additional costs, as compared to hiring in-house staff. For instance, you’ll incur no additional expenses for recruitment, insurance, and overhead.
In closing
Today’s world is characterized by sudden and disruptive changes. Because of this, you should prepare for certain eventualities. For many businesses, not knowing where to start is the major reason why they’re not hiring virtual assistants. Other major reasons include trust and control issues. Finally, resistance to change and concerns about cost complete the list. These should not prevent you from living a happier and more productive life.
Embrace change with confidence as we’ve got you covered. Get started today.